Eircom slammed for laptop and data loss – SC Magazine UK

[email protected] wrote an interesting post today on
Here’s a quick excerpt


Eircom slammed for laptop and data lossSC Magazine UKIrish Data Protection Commissioner Billy Hawkes has called the loss of Eircom's laptops "one of the most serious breaches" his office has seen. Speaking to the RTE radio station in Ireland, Hawkes said the nature of the data, the long delay in telling …Eircom confirms data breach after unencrypted laptop theft Computer Business ReviewPotential data breach as eircom laptops stolen Irish ExaminerThousands of people's bank details stolen from Eircom laptops Herald.ie JOE  – Trade Channels  – Newstalk 106-108 fmall 11 news articles »

Read the rest of this great post here