Windows 8 Consumer Preview: A melding of the experience of laptops, mobile devices – Washington Post

News Sources wrote an interesting post today on
Here’s a quick excerpt

The Hindu

Windows 8 Consumer Preview: A melding of the experience of laptops, mobile devicesWashington PostMicrosoft tweeted that more than 1 million copies had been downloaded in the first 24 hours the beta version became available. Here's a look at what the unique features, told through photos and screenshots from our colleagues at The Verge and the …Laptop buyers: Should you wait for Windows 8? CNETInitial reaction positive as Microsoft shows off consumer test version of … The Seattle TimesWindows 8 Consumer Preview: What works and what doesn't Times of India  – International Business Times  – www.worldbulletin.netall 2,076 news articles »

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Read the rest of this great post here