This years new years honours list sees several technology pioneers given OBE’s for their work in technology.
- Dr David Watson from IBM Research UK who also chairs the RCUK Digital Economy Programme Advisory Board and is a lead in the International Technology Alliance in Network Sciences
- British TV presenter Maggie Philbin who fronted the Technology show Tomorrows World in the 1980s and went on to co-found the Teentech foundation that aims to get children into technology and creative careers.
- Pauline Wiltshire of Barclay’s Silver Digital Eagles digital inclusion project which aims to help people understand digital technology better and improve their technology skills.
- Deborah Forster, chief executive of Apps for Good, an innovative course which teaches young people to create apps that can change their world
- Joseph White, co-founder of free website builder Moonfruit and general partner of Entrepreneur First, which aims to attract the top graduates in to computer science and engineering encouraging them to start their own businesses
Congratulations to these promoters of technology and computers and lets hope more entrepreneurs of tech are recognised in the future